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Bomberger’s Declaration PFG 100.2 2025

PFG stands for Precision Fine Grain.

This bourbon is finished in a  custom propreietary barrel resulting from a thoughtful collaboration between Michter’s Master of Maturation and the skilled coopers selected for this project.  Bomberger’s PFG owes much of its flavorful character to the exacting specifications established for the barrels it is finished in.  They are constructed of fine grain oak, which has been seasoned outdoors for a miniumum of 40 months.  These barrels are toasted at a defined temperature range for a precise period of time before they are charred to specification.  The result is in this bottle - falvorful, elegant, rich and complex bourbon.

As historically legitimate as they come, Bomberger's Distillery, or more recently Michter's Distillery, is a decommissioned
facility that was once known as one of the oldest remaining buildings of its kind in the United States. Located in SchaefferstonePennsylvania, this landmark distillery dates as far back as the 1840s but the site itself has a clerically demonstrated history ofdistilling spirits since 1753. Bomberger's Distillery was named on the National Register of Historical Places and declared ahistorical landmark in 1980. With a back-and-forth ownership history spanning from 1753 with the Shenk Family to 1860 withAbraham Bomberger, the distillery went on to be traded even further from 1920 to Ephriam Sechrist on up until the 1950swhen Louis Forman and Master Distillery Charles Everett Beam (of the renowned Beam family) purchased the facility anddistilled the first batch of Michter's. The distillery was officially closed in 1989, but since its decommission, Bomberger'sdistillates are cited as being used in various whiskey products, specifically Michter's. That being said, it is exceptionally rare tofind an authentically sourced bourbon that can be directly linked to this famous distillery.


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